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Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Ephesians 4: 1

Welcome to Walk Worthy 365, my small space on the internet where I share my journey through the Word of God, as I seek to know the Father more and make Him known. I love having the opportunity to share my passion for and thoughts about the Scriptures. Read on, and enjoy.

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Advent Day 11 - Lion of Judah

It's Day 11 of my current series, blogging through the season of Advent. Thank you for joining me here! The Bible reading for today is...

Advent Day 10 - Joseph

It's Day 10 of my current blogging series, where I'm writing through the 15 days of Advent, based on the devotionals in "Meet Him at the...

Advent Day 9 - The Ultimate Trust

Welcome back to my blog series, journeying through the season of Advent. The Bible passage we're looking at today is Luke 1: 30 - 35 ......

Advent Day 8 - A Time for Giving

Today is Day 8 of our journey through the 25 days of Advent - I'm so glad you're here with me! Our passage of Scripture today is Luke 1:...

Advent Day 7 - The Divine Invasion

Thank you for joining me here, on Day 7 of this Advent blogging series. Today’s passage of Scripture is Isaiah 9: 6 - 7 ... "For a child...

Advent Day 6 - The Divine Initiative

Welcome to Day 6 of this series, blogging through the 25 days of Advent. Today, the Bible reading I'm looking at is Isaiah 9: 2 - 7 ......

Advent - Day 5

Today is Day 5 of our current series, blogging through the season of Advent. The guide I'm following for this Advent study is Meet Him at...

Advent - Day 4

It's Day 4 of our journey through the season of Advent. Thank you so much to everyone who's joined me so far - I hope that you're...

Advent - Day 3

Welcome, and thank you for joining me here for Day 3 of my current blogging series. We celebrating the season of Advent, reading through...

Advent - Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of my latest series, blogging through the 25 days of Advent with "Meet Him at the Manger" by Jill and Stuart Briscoe....

Advent - Day 1

This Advent season, I will be working through the book "Meet Him at the Manger", by Stuart and Jill Briscoe. Each day for the next 25...

Storyteller - Day 27

Wow! Our 4 week journey through the Parables of Jesus has come to an end!! Thank you so much for joining me along the way - I have so...

Storyteller - Day26

Welcome to Day 26 - the final day of parables we'll be reading through in this blogging series (although be sure to check back in here...

Storyteller - Day 25

Welcome to Day 25 of this series, where I'm blogging through "Storyteller", the latest free online Bible study from Sarah Koontz at...

Storyteller - Day 24

We're at the halfway mark in the final week of this Bible study series today. This is Day 24 in our journey through "Storyteller", the...

Storyteller - Day 23

Thank you for joining me here for Day 23 of this series, blogging through "Storyteller", the new online Bible study from Sarah Koontz at...

Storyteller - Day 22

And just like that, here we are at the start of the final week of this series, blogging through "Storyteller", the latest free Bible...

Storyteller - Day 21

There isn't a new devotional today, as Sarah Koontz doesn't write devotionals for the "Storyteller" Bible study on the weekends. This...

Storyteller - Day 20

As you probably know by now, Sarah Koontz doesn't have any devotionals for the "Storyteller" Bible study on the weekends. This gives us...

Storyteller - Day 19

Thank you for joining me back here, for Day 19 of our journey through "Storyteller", the latest Bible Study from Sarah Koontz at...

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