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  • beejay710v

Storyteller - Day 13

As I mentioned last week, there are no devotionals or Scripture readings over the weekends the "Storyteller", which gives you some "white space" if you need to catch up or catch your breath before starting the next week of the study.

The weekends also give me a chance to tell you about some of the amazing "extras" Sarah Koontz has included in this study.

And the best part is that all of these arrive for free in your inbox if you sign up for the study at

Oh, and don't worry if you didn't start the study at the same time as me - all of Sarah's online studies are available "on demand", which means that whenever you click "sign up", that becomes your Day 1, and you'll receive your devotional each day, all the way through to your Day 26. Pretty awesome, huh??!!

So, what exciting "extra" am I going to reveal today, you ask? Well, there are 2, actually!

Firstly, as she did in Week 1, Sarah has included another parable-inspired coloring page for us today, also designed by Amanda Player at Sweet Frog Print Shop.

The other free gift I thought I'd mention today is the fact that also included in the free, on demand daily devotional you'll receive in your inbox when you sign up is an Mp3 audio file, where Sarah Koontz herself reads the devotional for you!

This is absolutely fantastic for busy, on-the-go moms who might not always find the time to read the passages - now you can listen to them while you drive to work or wash your dishes!

If you've signed up for "Storyteller" online, please share with us which of the free digital gifts you've enjoyed - and maybe consider sharing the link to with a friend who you think might enjoy it too.

Sharing is caring, right?

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