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She had Maidservants!

15 Minute Declutter Challenge | Day 2 Today's task: declutter unused kitchen appliances. In my kitchen appliances cupboard, I found a coffee heater and a frying pan I never use, so they're gone. I also used the opportunity to tidy the whole cupboard, and to throw out some unused recipe books, utensils, and some boxes that bowls and cups were being stored in.

Is anyone else finding this process super-refreshing??!!

In Proverbs 31: 15, we read: "She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens." (ESV)

Sorting out my small appliances today reminded me of the Proverbs 31 wife, and her maidservants. I love the way Melissa Ringstaff thinks about this verse: “Hmm. It’s says right here, ‘She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.’ I don’t have servants. I wish I maidservants. I’ll never have maidservants. Obviously this passage has nothing to do with me.”

But, surprisingly, today's task filled me with gratitude, rather than envy for the Proverbs 31 wife's servants ... I say surprisingly, because I didn't think I'd feel grateful about cleaning cupboards on Women's Day!

Actually, so did yesterday's task, although I didn't think about it until today.

Yesterday I realised that I have a cupboard filled with groceries, and today I saw that I have so many handy tools and gadgets to make cooking and cleaning for my family easier and quicker (if not more fun!).

Melissa Ringstaff explains it this way: " It’s true. You and I may not have maidservants who live with us and help us do all of our chores on a daily basis. But, we do have lot of help that certainly was not available to homemakers 2000 years – or even 200 years ago. In fact, just just a 120 years ago, washing the laundry was still back breaking work. Imagine having to boil water and scrub heavy garments on a washboard. And after the clothes were dried on the line they’d have to be ironed because permanent press did not exist.

Imagine having to haul out your heavy carpets and beating them with a stick to get the dirt out because vacuum cleaners had yet to be invented. Imagine having to sew ALL your family’s own clothing plus undergarments and outwear. Those are just a few of the things we no longer have to do today because instead of human servants we have electric servants who serve us very well every day."

I am so thankful for the ways that the Father has provided for me and my family, and thankful for this challenge which has made me take a closer look at what I really have, when it's so easy to think about what I think I don't have.

Share your kitchen cupboard clean up finds with us in the comments below. If you're really brave, post your before and after photos.

See you tomorrow for Task 3.

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