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Advent Day 21 - Seeing Jesus' Glory

This is Day 21 of my current writing series, blogging through the season of Advent. Thank you for joining me here!

The Bible text we're looking at today is John 1: 14 ...

The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father,

full of grace and truth. (HCSB)

The glory of God is the totality of His divine attributes: His love, His grace, His mercy, His wisdom, His knowledge, His power, His justice, His holiness, His immutability, His compassion, His omniscience, His omnipresence, His omnipotence, His anger, His, wrath, His kindness, His patience. attributes. And when John says, “We saw His glory,” he is saying that in seeing and hearing and following Jesus, we have seen all of these attributes personified.

Out of all of the glorious attributes of God, John highlights "grace and truth", because these are the two aspects of God’s glory that directly relate to salvation.

John Piper describes it beautifully: "The Word became flesh so that the death of Jesus Christ would be possible. The cross is where the fullness of grace shone most brightly. It was performed there and purchased there."

When we read the Gospels, and we see the way that Jesus speaks, and acts, and loves, and dies, we see the divine glory of the Father, displayed for us in a way that not even Moses was privileged to experience!!

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